New Jersey Buy a Whole Beef Map

The following farms and ranches have certified that they meet Eatwild's criteria for producing grassfed meat, eggs and dairy products. Contact them directly for additional information or to buy their products:


8 O'clock Ranch loves to eat, and eat well! How about you? You are here looking for humanely raised, antibiotic/pesticide/herbicide-free food and we would love to become 'your ranch.'

  • Grass fed and finished, Dry-Aged Beef and Lamb
  • Pastured, GMO-Free Berkshire Pork
  • Pastured, GMO-Free Duck and Turkey
  • Pastured, Soy and GMO-Free Chicken
  • From our ranch to your door – year round.

To fit your needs, you can order individual frozen cuts of meat/poultry from our easy to use website, join the CSA and get monthly boxes, or fill your freezer with a side of beef, pork or lamb cut to your specifications!

You are encouraged to visit the home ranch, either in person or follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Our ranch works with three nearby families that also raise beef and lamb (Washburn family), pigs (Hill family), and poultry (Martin family). None of us is certified by any agency—our goal is to be 'You-certified.'

8 O'clock Ranch, John and Kassandra Barton, 293 Old Canton Road, De Kalb Junction, NY 13630. (315) 347-4352.
E-mail: Website:

Apple Ridge Farm is a small diversified sustainable family farm. We specialize in Certified Naturally Grown pasture raised chicken and eggs. Our egg layers are given unlimited access to green pasture 24/7 during the growing season and have access to supplemental feed which is grown naturally (no synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers) and contains no GMO's. Our meat chickens are raised in portable pens that are moved
to fresh grass one to two times daily.

In addition to poultry products we also raise Certified Naturally Grown produce (specializing in heirloom varieties) and cut flowers. Apple Ridge is also home to the Stone Oven Bakery, a wood-fired brick oven bakery that specializes in naturally leavened artisan breads.

We are located in Saylorsburg, PA (Monroe County), just 10 miles from the NJ line (Route 80). We're 90 miles West of New York City and 90 miles North of Philadelphia.

We participate in two buying clubs, and sell our products seasonally at several farmers markets, and year-round at several stores:

Farmers Markets: Monroe Farmers Market, Ann Street, Stroudsburg, PA, Saturdays, May–Oct, 8am–12pm
Blairstown Farmers Market (Bakery Only), Blairstown, NJ, Saturdays, June–Oct, 10am–2pm
Steel Stacks Farmers Market, Bethlehem, PA, Tuesdays, May–Nov 15th, 3–7pm

Natures Harvest Natural Food Store (bakery and produce), Main St. Blairstown, NJ
Earthlight Natural Food Store, Ann Street, Stroudsburg, PA.

Apple Ridge Farm, Brian Bruno, Road 3 Box 3139, Saylorsburg PA 18353. (610) 381-6152.
E-mail: Website:

AWA logo

At 7th Heaven Farm LLC our livestock grows naturally, ranges freely, and lives happily. We are a small, family-owned farm that raises all-natural, pastured lamb, goat, pork, rosé veal, beef, turkey, chicken and eggs. The Farm is chemical-free: no antibiotics, hormones, growth stimulants, preservatives, traditional fertilizers or pesticides are used or administered. Our meats are derived from heritage breeds; they all start and finish very well on a grass-only diet.

Visit our website for information on the new Meat CSA and delivery services. Almost all of the meats can be purchased by the individual cut, in small packages, or in bulk. Each cut is labeled and flash frozen, like those found in the grocery store. Wholesale customers are welcome.

Animals intended for food are USDA-inspected and processed at an Animal Welfare Approved, USDA-certified, family-owned facility. The Farm is an American Grassfed Association (AGA) member, and will soon be Animal Welfare Approved (AWA). The owner is proud to be the Goat Director of AGA, and she looks forward to meeting AWA and AGA standards of production.

At 7th Heaven Farm, Carla Growney, 1154 Old Indian Mills Road, Tabernacle NJ 08088.
E-mail: Website:

Beaver Brook Ranch (exit 12, NJ Rt 80) specializes in producing dry-aged 100% grass-fed and finished beef (non-GMO, no antibiotics, or hormones), pasture and woodland-raised pork (non-GMO, no corn, no antibiotics, or hormones) and pasture-raised chickens. Our beef, pork and chicken are prepared by a single local, small-scale USDA inspected butcher. All cuts come vacuum sealed, labeled, and frozen (stays fresh for 12 months).

~Exclusive Offer: For new customers only. If you find us on, enter coupon code BBR25 in the notes section at checkout and receive $25 off your first beef or pork share. Does not include Samplers.

Beef and Pork Shares are available monthly. The weights below are actual take-home weights, not hanging weights. A full list of the cuts you will receive can be found on our website.

How to participate in our beef and pork shares (4 easy steps):

  1. Choose a Share Package and place your order/deposit on our website to reserve your share.
  2. Select Free Shipping via UPS, or Pick Up at the Ranch in Hope, NJ and Save $$.
  3. Once you place your order, we will email you an order # and a link (with our recommendations) to a butcher instruction sheet to fill out.
  4. A week before your order is ready, we will email you a balance due invoice and your shipment or pick up date.

Beef Shares come in:

  • Samplers (20 pounds)
  • 1/8 Share (50 pounds)
  • 1/4 Share (100 pounds)*
  • 1/2 Share (200 pounds)*
  • Full Share (400 pounds)*

* No charge for organ meat or bones

Pork Shares come in:

  • Samplers (20 pounds)
  • 1/2 Share (55 pounds)*
  • Full Share (110 pounds)*

* No charge for organ meat or bones

Free Shipping to NJ, NY, PA, CT, OH, MA, VA, SC, MD, DE, CT, or RI, or pick up at the ranch and save $$. Select your option at checkout.

Beaver Brook Ranch, Stefan Schoen, 341 Johnsonburg Road, Hope, NJ 07844. 908-509-7102.
E-mail: Website:

Beechtree Farm, Hopewell, NJ. Inspired after hearing Jo Robinson speak on why grassfed is best in 2003, we began to expand our cattle operation of 20 years and selling our grassfed beef directly to consumers from our 58-acre, preserved farm. We have two other farms nearby and partner with local farmers whose pasture we graze in-season. We also sell chicken, pork and eggs seasonally. This year Charlie is making handcrafted soaps from our beef tallow and herbs growing on the farm.

Our meat is sold frozen, by the cut, in our store here at Beechtree Farm. Please call ahead to let us know when you'd like to visit. While we live and work from the farm, we want to make sure to be here when you arrive. From Spring to Fall we also participate in several farmers markets (see our website for locations and times). Ask us about our CSA Shares. We take names for those who are interested in ordering 1/8, 1/4 or 1/2 share of beef.

Our cattle live an unconfined, humane life on pasture and hay in the winter with access to shelter, minerals and salt. We practice rotational pasture grazing to maintain the growth of lush pastures. Working with the Natural Resource Conservation Service, NRCS, we follow Comprehensive Nutrient Management to protect local water and enrich our soils. The meat is processed at small USDA certified facilities. We have observed the entire process and are confident that our animals receive humane treatment up to the very end.

We often hear from our customers how flavorful our meat is. It was quite a thrill when one 80-year-old customer exclaimed that she had the best hamburger in her entire life from our ground beef. Another woman actually burst into tears when talking about the brisket she prepared at Passover. We also feel wonderful knowing our customers are eating such nutrient-dense and healthy food.

We are actively involved in promoting local, regenerative agriculture. Charlie and Lucia both serve on the Mercer County Board of Agriculture. Lucia is on the Board of Directors of the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey ( She chairs the Hopewell Township Agricultural Advisory Committee which actively preserves farmland in our town.

Beechtree Farm, Lucia and Charles Huebner, 105 Crusher Road, Hopewell NJ 08525. (609) 466-0277.
E-mail: Website:

Birchwood Farms is a pasture-based, biodynamic farm that markets direct to the public. We produce licensed raw milk from grass-only-fed A2/A2 verified Jersey cows, along with cream, butter, yogurt, cheese (plain cheddar, garlic cheddar, tomato basil cheddar, gouda and baby swiss), Super Premium ice cream, tender grass-only-fed beef, milk-fed pork and veal, and pastured soy-free chicken and eggs (pastured chicken is seasonal).

We also have fresh squeezed juices, and carry organic spices and local, raw honey!

Please call ahead for availability of all products.

Birchwood Farms, Mike Tierney, 428 Brownsburg Road, Newtown PA 18940. (215) 598-8633.
Website: Facebook:

At Bobolink Dairy & Bakehouse, good, wholesome, nutritious food is a passion for us, and creating good food in a sustainable manner, while healing the earth, is our life's mission.

Bobolink Dairy & Bakehouse was founded by Jonathan and Nina White in 2002, on leased farmland. We purchased a 186-acre farmstead in Milford, NJ in March of 2010, and moved our family, herd and business to Milford in June 2010. Since then, we have regenerated the soils and created a balanced, multi-faceted family farm that produces 100% grass-fed cheeses, pastured meats (beef, veal, pork), and an environment that encourages biodiversity of wildlife and plant life.

In the 2021 season, we'll be milking approximately 60 cows, and we have a bumper crop of young heifers and bulls of our new breed, the Bobolink Grazers, which are the result of crossing several common "modern" dairy breeds (Ayrshire, Guernsey, Jersey, etc.) with the ancient Kerry cattle of Ireland.

Our Bakehouse creates breads and pastries that are made with heritage and heirloom grains, risen slowly for maximum flavor and nutrition. We are grateful to artisan grain growers, who provide us with top quality raw materials to bake in our wood-fired oven!

Bobolink's farm store is open to the public MWThF 12–6, S&S 9–5, with tours by reservation through the website. We also sell at regional farmer's markets, and ship our products via UPS. The farm is also available for classes, educational groups and corporate team-building in 2022.

The Bobolink is a ground-nesting bird that relies on undisturbed grasslands for its reproduction. As such, they are compatible with pastured animals, but cannot tolerate tilled cropland. Once as common as the robin, they are now severely limited across their entire range. By naming our business for this creature, we hope to increase public awareness about how important it is for agriculture to respect and nurture wildlife.

Bobolink Dairy & Bakehouse, Nina White, 369 Stamets Rd, Milford NJ 08848. 908-864-7277.
E-mail: Website:

Burningheart Farm is a small farm with a mission: to preserve the art of sustainable farming. We use organic methods to produce happy and healthy pasture raised lamb, heritage turkey, chicken and eggs without the use of antibiotics, growth hormones, anthelmintics (de-wormers), pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers. Our lambs and poultry are on pasture everyday.

The small size of our farm allows us to produce limited quantity with exceptional quality. An important part of our "small and local" philosophy is retailing directly to you, our customer.

The soil is the foundation of our farm. Our permanent pastures are managed for the long term protection of the soil, increasing mineralization, and decreasing erosion. Permanent organic pasture contains a wide variety of plants and greater biological diversity than soil which is subject to tillage and toxic inputs. Much of our pasture contains legumes, such as white clover, which fix nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil at the root level, providing free and natural fertilization with no excess nitrogen run-off to contaminate surface water. The result is a higher level of nutrition in the pasture, the animals, and you.

We keep a permanent flock of sheep and breed our lambs here on our farm. Our livestock are treated humanely and have plenty of space, eliminating stress and illness. We supplement our livestock with kelp (OMRI listed), a sea grass which has the proper balance of vitamins and minerals necessary for excellent nutrition. Kelp contains over 60 minerals and helps to maintain soil fertility. We participate in the USDA voluntary scrapie flock certification program. These sustainable methods promote optimal public health, maintain strong topsoil and produce some of the most nutritious, safe, and delicious meat and eggs available.

You can order on our website, email or call. Please order your lamb early in the year, as we often sell out by summer; you can buy a whole or half share and it is ready for your pickup in the summer and autumn. Heritage turkey orders for Thanksgiving are taken throughout the year, but should be made by March 31 to ensure we will raise one just for you. Chicken is available throughout the year; advance orders are requested for large quantities. Eggs are available in the spring, summer and fall. Honey, organic herbs, firewood, and more are available on our farm stand seasonally.

Visit our website for more details, discounts and current info. To Your Health! You can visit our farm at:

Burningheart Farm, David Becker and Anna Welsch, 77 Ridge Road Hackettstown, NJ 07840. (609) 851-3718.
E-mail: see website. Website:

Cairncrest Farm: Our NY farm delivers to your neighborhood. 100% grass fed beef and lamb, pastured pork and poultry.

Cairncrest Farm is a small family farm run by brothers Edmund and Garth Brown and their wives Normandy Alden and Alanna Rose. Together we have a vision of a vibrant food system strengthened with our commitment to land stewardship, humane treatment of animals and healthy, delicious food. Read more about our farming practices on our website.

We deliver to communities in NY (including Long Island), NJ and PA. Please visit our website for available cuts and to find the delivery schedule of a location near you.

Cairncrest Farm, Edmund Brown / Garth Brown, 156 Talbot Road, West Winfield, NY 13491, (267) 625-0812 (Edmund) or (267) 625-9542 (Garth).
E-mail: Website:

Cherry Grove Farm is a diversified, sustainable dairy farm and creamery situated on 480 acres of woodland, wetland and pasture in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. We make award-winning farmstead cheeses from our grass-fed cows' milk. As part of our sustainable ecosystem, we also raise a small number of pigs, lambs, chickens and beef cattle, producing grass- and whey-fed meats, raised without hormones, antibiotics or steroids.

By raising a variety of animals we use our resources more efficiently, creating a farm that is sustainable not only in production, but also as a business. With this ethos comes a commitment to the long term health of our land. We believe in building from the soil up, working every day to ensure that our organically certified pastures are nourished and thriving. If we take care of the land, the land will nourish us.

Our commitment as a farm is to be transparent, to educate and engage with our community, reconnecting our neighbors to the land and the source of their food.

Products available on our farm: Farmstead Cheeses and Pastured Meats/Eggs

  • Cheeses: Buttercup Brie, Toma, Herdsman, Lawrenceville Jack, Full Nettle Jack, Lawrenceville Jack Reserve, Havilah
  • Pastured Meats - Grass-fed lamb and beef, Whey-fed pork, Pastured chickens and eggs

Cherry Grove Farm, JJ Dabbs, 3200 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville NJ 08648 (609) 219-0053
E-mail: Website:

Churutabis Farm is a small sustainable family farm where we raise chickens (meat & eggs), turkeys, ducks (eggs), and rabbits for meat.

We put our broilers and layers out on pasture as soon as the weather permits it, broilers in 10x20 chicken tractors, and layers in a large electric fence surrounding them. Turkeys are raised on pasture too. Rabbits get green grass on a daily basis. Guinea-fowl are on pasture and free range.

We do not use any growth hormones or antibiotics on our poultry. Neither pesticides on our fields. Instead, we use vinegar for weed and fly control.

Farmers markets: Sparta Farmers Market, 65 Main Street, Sparta, NJ., June 1 - October 26, 2013

Grocery stores: Grassroots Natural Market, 20 First Avenue, Denville NJ.

Restaurants: Crystal Springs Resort, One Wild Turkey Road, Hamburg, NJ.

Churutabis Farm, Hannelie Rheeder, 53 Hyatt Road, Branchville NJ 07826. (973) 271-2979.
E-mail: Website:

Cotton Cattle Company is a holistically-managed, sustainable farming operation dedicated to raising 100% grass-fed beef and pastured chickens. The farm is guided by the triple bottom line concept where actions are only approved if they benefit all parts of our ecosystem—social/community, environmental/land, and financial/our small business.

Great-tasting and healthy meat is only as good as the land the animals graze on. Located in the heart of the Musconetcong River Valley, our farm has more than 230 contiguous acres of rolling pastures and woodlots. This land is sacred to us. We can't share clean meat with the community unless we start with clean land, which is why we exceed organic and natural standards by managing our farm in a manner that works symbiotically with the land and laws of Mother Nature. We breed and raise our cattle on site, using grass and hay produced on our farm. Our cattle slowly graze across rotational pastures as their ancestors did decades ago. By raising the herd according to their natural and biological needs, there is no need for preventative medicine or growth stimulants. Our beef and poultry are free of antibiotics, artificial hormones and animal byproducts. This is the way nature intended it. You will taste the difference, be healthier for it, and love supporting a greater good.

Our products are conveniently available online with delivery anywhere in New Jersey and Long Island, as well as the New York metro area. All of our beef and poultry is USDA inspected and flash frozen, then shipped directly to your home. In addition to home delivery, you can visit us on Saturday mornings at the Garden Street Farmers Market in Hoboken, NJ. Visit our website to learn more about us, our full line of products (heritage pork, bone broth, etc.), and our home delivery.

Cotton Cattle Company, Bryce Cotton, River Valley Farm, Cornfield Lane, Asbury NJ, 08802. 1-800-310-6080.
E-mail: Website:

Cranberry Creek Farm raises 100% grass-fed A2A2 dairy cows to provide raw milk, cream top yogurt and artisan cheeses. We also produce pastured/forest-raised pork, pasture-raised broilers, and free-range eggs. Dairy and vegetable CSA shares are available.

We are located near northern NJ and southern NY, two hours from NYC and PHL.

Cranberry Creek Farm, Jeffrey Henry, 112 Henry Crossing Road, Cresco PA 18326. (609) 923-0308.

Grassroots Farm is a small family farm located in Stone Ridge, NY. We provide pasture-raised beef for our community and serve numerous customers in the greater NY/NJ area.

Our mission here is simple: to produce nourishing and delicious food, heal and enrich the land we graze, and honor the creatures under our care. Our cows are 100% grass-fed and finished, with no supplementary feeds, hormones, antibiotics, or chemicals. We care deeply about our animals and ecology and invite you to visit anytime to see what we are all about!

We sell our beef directly to our customers by the side (half of beef) and split side (quarter of beef). All the beef in your side or split side will be individually cut, portioned, vacuum sealed, and ready for your kitchen. Our products are also sold by the cut at retail outlets in Ulster County such as the Accord Market, and High Falls Food Coop.

If you would like to support our mission and provide nourishing food for your family, we invite you to give us a call or send us an email at the contact below.

Grassroots Farm, Ryan Martens, Stone Ridge NY 12484. 201-414-4079.
E-mail: Website: Facebook:

Harvest Home Meats raises 100% grass-fed beef. Our goal is to work with nature to provide consistent high-quality, grass-fed beef to our customers. We don't use chemical fertilizers, insecticides, or herbicides on our pastures. Our cattle never receive growth hormones or antibiotics. Our cattle are not fed grain or concentrates and are on pasture throughout the growing season. We are proud to say that we were the 2008 PASA Grass-Fed Beef Cook-off Champions!

Our herd is located in the northeast corner of Northampton County PA, Upper Mount Bethel Township, on our family farms, Sunny Hillside Farms and Harvest Home Farms. We are just minutes from the Lehigh Valley, Poconos and NJ and approximately 1 hour from Philadelphia and New York City.

Currently we offer mixed quarters, halves, wholes or select cuts. It can be picked up or delivery can be arranged. The cost is based on the hanging weight. Hanging carcass weight is approximately 575 pounds. Please contact us for prices/info and how to order. You can also check out our website for details and see a list of stores that carry our beef.

Harvest Home Meats, Richard DiFebo or Dohl DiFebo, 390 Harvest Lane, Bangor PA 18013. (610) 599-9074.
E-mail: Website:

Howling Wolf Farm raises and sells 100% Grass-fed beef. We work with breeds (such as Rotakawa Devons) that turn the nutrition of our diverse pastures of grasses, clovers and wild plants into delicious beef. Our breeding herd is grazed rotationally over 80 acres, and mothers care for their calves until they are naturally weaned. We use organic practices (we are not certified).

We know and love all our cows, calves, steer and bulls and we handle and work with them with care, particularly around slaughter. Our beef is custom butchered by a USDA inspected butcher. E-mail us for our Grass-Fed Beef information sheet, which includes cuts and prices, or give us a call.

Howling Wolf Farm, Matt Pearson, 25 Swayze Mill Road, Blairstown NJ 07825
(908) 459-4474.
E-mail: Website:

Miller's Bio Farm produces raw A2 milk andcheese and truly pastured beef, chicken, lamb, goat and eggs. We also offer a wide selection of nutrient-dense foods including fresh and fermented produce, maple syrup and honey, baked goods, flours, kombucha and water kefir, chocolates, and more! We offer smooth and easy delivery to your home or a location near you with sustainable and compostable packaging.

Producing the best
✔ 100% grass-fed cow dairy
✔ 100% genetically tested A2 cow dairy
✔ 100% grass-fed and finished beef
✔ Pastured meat and eggs

All our animals are
✔ Raised outdoors in the fresh air
✔ Fed a natural soy-free diet
✔ Regenerative farming
✔ Humanely raised

All our soil and products contain
✘ No hormones or steroids
✘ No routine antibiotics or drugs
✘ No synthetic fertilizers
✘ No GMOs

Caring for your health.
By keeping synthetic ingredients – additives, fillers, antibiotics, hormones, etc. – out of your food. By producing the most nutrient-dense food possible.

Caring for the environment.
By regenerating the soil. By avoiding pesticides and herbicides. By supporting biodiversity.

Building trust.
By building great relationships with our customers. By providing transparency in your food. By being honest and kind.

Inspiring the next generation.
By showing folks it's possible. By demonstrating the benefits of natural farming. By creating a sustainable future.

Aaron Miller is an Amish farmer from Lancaster County, PA. His father was a conventional dairy farmer and, at a young age, Aaron realized this was not his way forward. He wanted to do things differently, more naturally, bringing health to the soil, the plants, the animals, and the people.

Miller's Bio Farm has been operating since 2009 and is proud to provide the highest quality, best tasting foods to its customers while, at the same, providing exceptional customer service.

Miller's Bio Farm, Aaron Miller, 523 Valley Road, Quarryville, PA 17566. 717-786-7895, ext 0.
E-mail: Website:

Plaid Piper Farm has been in our family for 7 generations. It is located in picturesque Sussex County. We currently offer grass fed, grass finished beef, and pastured pork. All of our products are raised naturally without the use of added antibiotics, hormones or pesticides.

Our beef is wintered over on our hay. Spring through fall they are rotationally grazed on our pastures. Our pigs are fed a balanced grain ration and rotationally graze their pastures.

We invite you to visit our farm. We enjoy showing you our content animals and discussing how we keep them safe and healthy in a humane fashion. We use good husbandry practices to let them live as nature intended with as little intervention as possible. If you would like to visit, please call or email so we can 'hang near the barn' and wait for you.

We sell our products direct from our farm. Order your product on our website, by email, or call. We suggest that you pre-order our products as quantities are limited and sell out quickly.

Know your farmer, know your food.

Plaid Piper Farm LLC, Paul Dalrymple, 197 Wykertown Road, Branchville NJ 07826. (973) 875-4535.
E-mail: Website:

Pure Indian Foods is a small family-owned business that takes pride in making an exceptional quality grass-fed and certified organic Ghee. Golden colored Ghee is prepared by melting and simmering butter until all the water evaporates and the milk solids settle at the bottom. The remaining butter oil is very stable, giving it a high smoke point which makes it an excellent choice for deep fat frying, baking and sautéing. Because of the low moisture content, it can be stored without refrigeration for 2-3 months. Many people find our ghee, with its rich, nutty flavor, to be tastier than butter.

We make our ghee fresh, with care, in small batches, right here in the USA. Our products are USDA Certified Organic. We use butter made only in Springtime through the Fall, when the cows are actually out on the pasture eating fresh green grass. We make our ghee only on the waxing or full moon days which are auspicious in the ancient Vedic system. We use glass bottles instead of plastic bottles to avoid dangerous toxic chemicals from leeching from plastic containers. Our family has been in the ghee business in India for 5 generations, since 1889, and we are proudly continuing that tradition.

Ghee has been used for its health-giving and healing properties for thousands of years. In Ayurveda (the "science of life"), cow ghee is considered one of the most sacred foods.

Ghee is the best cooking oil as it is stable at higher temperatures, and it enhances the flavor of spices and herbs. Ghee is free of casein and lactose and is suitable for people who are allergic to dairy products. It keeps skin soft, and has anti-aging properties. Ghee contains naturally occurring CLA, Omega-3, Vitamins A, D, E & K2. It is free of harmful trans-fats.

Ghee is shelf-stable and we ship worldwide by USPS, UPS, FedEx or DHL. We offer special discounts to co-ops and buying clubs.

Pure Indian Foods, Sandeep and Nalini Agarwal, PO Box 296, Princeton Junction NJ 08550. (877) LUV-GHEE (588-4433).
E-mail: Website:

Simply Grazin' LLC is New Jersey's original family-owned and operated, certified organic, grass-fed livestock farm where our name says it all! Our ruminants simply graze peacefully and grow naturally with minimal interference from us, just like God intended.

All beef cattle eat organic pasture, never any grain. Free-range veal, pork and poultry enjoy organically managed pasture and certified organic feed. Chickens are raised in portable outside pens that are moved each day to provide fresh forage rich in Omega 3 and CL As. You taste the difference!

Processing is done at a local family-owned, USDA inspected, certified organic facility. Animals are treated humanely, with as little stress as possible, and the processor honors that tradition once they are placed in his care.

Products are sold wholesale, retail (to members only), and to restaurants. We strive to keep our products modestly priced, promoting family affordability as well as nutritional value. Beef is sold in individual cuts or by sides/whole beef. Pork is sold by the cut or by ½ or whole hog, and chicken is sold whole. All retail cuts are vacuum packed (sides/whole animals can be paper-wrapped at your request).

Please contact the farm via e-mail for information on becoming a member. (Web-site should be updated soon!)

Simply Grazin' LLC, Mark and Lynne Faille, 1932 Route 206, Skillman NJ 08525. Voice: (908) 359-6555; fax: (908) 359-9499.
E-mail: Website:

Totten Family Farm is a preserved 80-acre Certified Naturally Grown farm in Long Valley, NJ.


As stewards of the land it is our objective to efficiently raise high quality,healthy food in a sustainable manner. We are driven by a deep rooted need to utilize the skills and preserve the traditions that have sustained humankind for so long. We consider food raised in a pure, ecological, and humane manner to be a basic right essential to good health. It is our duty and honor as farmers and land stewards to fulfill this right with integrity and imprint its value on current and future generations.

Under new management this year, the farm will expand its offerings to include mixed vegetables, in addition to pasture raised chickens, ducks, turkeys, and eggs. Other anticipated products this year include grass fed lamb and pasture raised pork. By selecting heritage breeds we hope to preserve priceless genetic diversity.

To ensure happy, healthy animals we employ management techniques such as good nutrition, low stocking densities, frequent movement to fresh pasture, interspecies grazing, and alternating fields between grazing, haying, and vegetable production. We never use hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers. The animals that do require grain are fed organic grain. Through our management techniques we encourage all of our animals to forage from our lush pastures of mixed grasses and legumes. Scraps from our sustainably managed gardens may also be fed. We feed dry hay from our own fields during the winter months.

Our products are available at our farm stand, at farmers markets, and at select area stores and restaurants. We prefer to take preorders for our meats. In addition we offer mixed vegetables, vegetable starts, cut flowers, nursery trees, farm baked pies, honey, Christmas trees, medicinal herbs, and educational programs.

Totten Family Farm LLC/Hemlock Hills Nursery, Kristen Bowlin, 442 Naughright Road, Long Valley NJ 07853. (908) 850-0555.

Udder Milk Creamery – All of our dairy products are grass fed, raw, and organic (not certified). We have the following products:

  • Raw cows milk
  • Raw goats milk
  • Raw heavy and light cream
  • Raw cows butter
  • Raw goats butter
  • Raw cream cheese
  • Raw cream fraiche
  • Raw sour cream
  • Raw cheese including: Colby, Swiss, and Cheddar
  • Raw yogurt
  • Raw keifer

We also have lacto fermented sauerkraut, grass fed beef and lamb, and fresh organic pastured chicken.

We now deliver to the New York (Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island, NYC, and Westchester County) and New Jersey areas.

Udder Milk Creamery, Contact: Moaz at (973) 413-9585, 470 Piaget Avenue, Binghamton NY.

Valley Shepherd Creamery, located in Morris County, NJ, handcrafts many raw milk cheeses and offers pasture fed lamb meat. Hundreds of dairy ewes are grazed on the 120 acre farm and their milk is processed daily into 15 different hard and soft cheeses offered at the farm, retail shops and many farmer markets.

Lamb meat is available September–March and can be purchased in frozen vacuum cuts or ordered custom cut in advance. Cheeses are aged in the 100 ft. underground aging cave in one of several specialty rooms available for public viewing during the fall tours. Guided tours of the creamery, offered seasonally, go into a viewing gallery overlooking milking and production areas, lambing building and more—check the website for days/times. The retail Sheep Shoppe is open year round for cheese tasting and purchases and carries dairy, meat, wool and hundreds of farm gift items. Many of the food products are also available at retail shops nationally and at several NY/NJ farmer markets. Check all information at web.

Farmers Markets: Wednesdays, Union Square, NYC; Thursdays, Nyack, NY; Fridays, Rockefeller Center, NYC; Saturdays, Abingdon Square, NYC, Inwood, NYC, Union Square, NYC, Bernardsville, NJ; Sunday, Lawrenceville, NJ, Morristown, NJ.

Valley Shepherd Creamery, Eran Wajswol, 50 Fairmont Road, Long Valley NJ 07853. (908) 876-3200.
E-mail: Website:

Vitality Pastures

Location: Southern New Jersey in Hopewell Township. What we offer:

  • Organically Fed Pasture Poultry
  • 100% Grass Finished Beef
  • Organically Fed Range Pork
  • Organically Fed Pasture Eggs

Our Mission: To elevate the health and vitality of humanity and bring nutritional education to the world.

Our Goals: To enrich the lives of those we serve better each and every year.

How to Purchase:

  • Through our online newsletter found on our website.
  • Come to the farm store and browse through what we have available.
  • Mail order from our Online Store.

Vitality Pastures, 152 Trench Road, Bridgeton, NJ 08302. (856) 297-8336
E-mail: Website:

Voodoo Farm is a sustainable chicken farm located on fifteen acres in the hills of Northern New Jersey.

We believe that ethically treating the animal and the soil leads to delicious, clean, healthy and affordable local food. We specialize in the slow growing American Bresse chicken and other heritage meat and egg layer breeds.

Our chicken philosophy mimics poulet rouge standards and our flocks are afforded ample clean living space as well as a minimum of ten hours free ranging outdoors in the lush underbrush of our mountain farm.

They are humanely slaughtered and immediately air chilled before being packaged.

Voodoo Farm, Oren and Cybele Ritterband, 3 Timothy Lane, Hardwick NJ 07825. (908) 362-9842.
E-mail: Website:

At Wrong Direction Farm we raise and sell grass-fed beef, pasture-raised chicken, pasture-raised turkey, and pasture-raised pork.

We provide home delivery to customers in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

Our farm focuses on regenerative and organic practices for soil health, animal health, and human health.

Wrong Direction Farm, Dave and Rachel Perozzi, 431 Seebers Lane, Canajoharie NY 13317. (518) 588-2633.
E-mail: Website:

Page last updated 2/24/2022.


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