How Much Do I Need to Open a Cd Account

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Certificates of deposit (CDs) are a popular savings vehicle for people who want low-risk investments that offer higher yields than traditional bank savings accounts.

If you want to earn a higher rate of interest on your savings, while still having the protections of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and avoiding some of the volatility and risks of the stock and bond markets, a certificate of deposit may be a good place to put your money.

CDs require you to lock up your money for a fixed period of time (usually one to five years, depending on the bank or credit union) in exchange for a guaranteed interest rate. Many CDs charge a withdrawal penalty if you need to access your money before the term is up.

Longer-term CDs (with terms of up to five years or more) typically pay slightly higher interest rates than short-term CDs, although economic uncertainty can affect how banks and credit unions set their rates. The higher yield on a longer commitment, however, might not be high enough to be worth tying up your cash for so long, especially when there are potentially higher-yielding investments or more liquid savings options.

CDs are not the right fit for every situation or for every saver's financial goals. Whether you'll want to put your money into a CD will depend on your overall financial situation, your financial risk tolerance and your short-term and long-term financial needs.

Use these nine questions to evaluate your options before putting your money into a CD.

1. What is your goal for this money?

What do you want to accomplish with this money that you're considering putting into a certificate of deposit? Is this money part of your emergency savings? Do you want to save for your own retirement or to save for college for your children? Or does this money have a specific purpose, such as a down payment on a house, a home renovation, a vacation or some other particular goal in the near future?

If the money that you are considering putting into a CD is intended to be part of your emergency fund, you may or may not want to put it into a CD. Most CDs will assess a penalty if you withdraw your savings before their term is up. Ideally, your emergency fund should be as liquid as possible. If you lose your job or get in a car accident tomorrow, you need to be able to get quick access to your emergency cash savings.

If this money is meant for longer-term savings goals, like college education expenses for children or grandchildren, or retirement savings, you probably should not put it into a CD. That's because CDs offer conservative, fixed rates of return. The APY of a CD is likely to be lower than the longer-term returns of the stock and bond markets.

If you're trying to save for a longer-term goal, you may choose to invest your money in higher-risk, higher-return assets that are more likely to outpace inflation and deliver maximum growth. If you saving for college expenses, you're likely better off using a 529 plan for the possible tax deductions and to maximize your loved one's ability to qualify for financial aid.

So, depending on your financial situation, the best reason to put money into a CD might be if you have a specific, short-range savings goal, such as saving money for a down payment. If you want to get the best possible yield on your savings in the short term, while not risking your principal, a CD may be the best option.

2. How soon might you need to access this money?

This is an important question, because CDs require you to lock up your money for a specific term. It might be one year or up to five years, depending on which CD you choose. But CDs are not the same as a cash savings account or checking account, where your money is more immediately accessible.

If you're going to put money into a CD, you must be confident that you are not going to need to spend it until after the term is up, unless you are willing to have a penalty imposed on your CD's earnings.

3. What yield can you expect to earn on the CD?

Another important aspect of any CD is the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) or the interest rate that you will earn on your savings. As of July 2021, the best CD rates on one-year CDs—primarily from online banks—range from 0.60% to 0.85% APY, with five-year CD rates as high as 1.11%.

The rates paid by CDs change constantly depending on broader changes in interest rates and ongoing competition among financial institutions. Do your research and shop around for the best possible APY before you commit to a CD.

4. How long will your money be tied up in the CD?

Banks and credit unions offer a wide range of certificate of deposit terms, ranging from as little as one month to as much as five years or more. Depending on how long you are willing to commit your money to being deposited in the CD, you can typically earn a higher APY with a longer-term CD.

However, if you expect to need access to your money in less than a year, you might want to put your money into a high-yield online savings account instead. Many online savings accounts are offering APY rates that are competitive with (or even higher than) CDs.

5. What are the penalties for early withdrawal?

If you decide to pull your money out of the CD before the term is up, in most cases you will have to pay an early withdrawal penalty. Before committing to a CD, read the fine print. Early withdrawal penalties tend to vary by bank or credit union, but typically they charge penalties based on a certain number of days or months of interest paid by the CD. Longer-term CDs tend to have larger penalties for early withdrawal.

Even if these penalties are affordable, it's not ideal to have to pay money to get out of a savings vehicle that you intended to use to earn more money. This is another reason why, before you put money into a CD, you need to make sure that your investment time horizon is aligned with the length of the CD's term.

6. What are your other options for yield and liquidity?

Want to avoid early withdrawal penalties? Want to earn a higher yield on your savings? There are other options that can give you some of the advantages of a CD, but without the drawbacks.

If you want low-risk savings options that still offer a competitive yield, you may be able to get rates that are comparable to (and, in some cases, better than) a CD with an online savings account or money market account, but without having to lock up your money for one to five years.

7. What is the minimum deposit amount?

Different banks and credit unions offer different options for CDs depending on the minimum deposit. Some CDs might have a minimum deposit of $500 or less, while others might require a deposit of $10,000. Jumbo CDs have a minimum deposit of $100,000 and typically pay higher yields.

Evaluate your options for minimum deposit amounts as part of doing your research and comparison-shopping for CDs. Some CDs may pay a higher yield on your savings, but will require you to commit a larger amount of money for a longer period of time.

8. What are the possible tax implications?

If your certificate of deposit is in a taxable account (other than a tax-advantaged retirement savings account), you will typically owe income taxes on the interest income from the CD, just as you would from the interest earned on a savings account or taxable investment account.

You also can use CDs as part of your tax-advantaged retirement savings accounts, such as an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), especially if your goal is to generate short-term income from your investments. However, there can be some drawbacks to using CDs in your IRA. Talk with a financial advisor to see if CDs are the right investment vehicle for your situation.

9. How does this decision fit into your overall financial plans?

Ultimately, the most important question to ask about CDs is the same question you should ask about any savings vehicle or investment decision: How do CDs fit as part of my savings plan?

  • If you're a retiree who wants to get the biggest return on your savings while minimizing your risks, CDs might be the right choice.
  • If you're a young married couple who are saving up for a house and you want a low-risk savings option that lets you commit to a specific time frame to earn higher interest than you can get from a typical savings account, CDs might be the right choice.

However, CDs are not the right choice for every situation. If you want to save for longer-term goals, you might be better off investing in stocks and bonds instead of locking up your money with low-yielding assets like CDs. If you want to have maximum flexibility with how quickly you can access your money, a CD is also not ideal.

No matter what your investment goals are, no matter what stage of life you're going through, it's a good idea to evaluate your options and understand the possible advantages and disadvantages of wherever you decide to put your savings. With a smart strategy and awareness of the details, CDs can be part of helping you save for a stronger financial future.

How Much Do I Need to Open a Cd Account


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